January 14, 2009



The first year my family brined our Thanksgiving turkeys, per Cassidy's recommendation, we were very impressed with the difference it made. We have done it with whole birds (and turduckens as well) ever since. Cassidy says the following about why it works well: the salt brings the natural meat juices out and fills the cells with salt water, and the sugar pulls those cells back into the meat. The end result is that this osmosis makes the meat more moist and flavorful. Brining for any length of time is a good thing, but ideally, do it overnight. Brine penetrates about a 1/2 inch every 24 hours. In the case of a chicken, 24 hours is plenty because it is penatrating from the inside and outside, equaling about 1 inch total in 24 hours; a pork loin, for example, needs to go much longer.

1 gallon water
2 C salt
1 C sugar

These are the proportions; multiply as needed in a clean joint compound bucket or other very large container. Stir to dissolve. Put meat in brine and let sit overnight.

Season and cook meat as usual.

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